Learn about our Glocal Command Centre
1 What is GCC?
The Glocal Command Center, also know as the GCC, is PayGlocal's dashboard which can be used by merchants to track transactions, download various reports, manage their keys and much more. Obtaining access to this dashboard is imperative in completing an integration.
2 How do I access GCC?
If you do not have the GCC login credentials, please reach out to our Sales Team to kick start your merchant onboarding during which these credentials would be provided. You can still continue exploring the developer docs to get a flavour of our products and integration specs.
If you have the GCC login credentials, then awesome! You can access the GCC UAT here.
3 Payment Links in GCC
For no-code integration, generation of your payment link will be carried out via the GCC portal. Head on to our Payment Links section to know more about this!
4 Keys in GCC
Keys are crucial for code based and plugin integrations as it provides a means to enforce authentication standards during communications. Depending on the type of integration and authentication scheme you choose, the key required will be different. At PayGlocal we support the following secrets:
- API Keys
- Asymmetric Keys (RSA Keys)
- PayGlocal Public CERTS (PayGlocal Common Certificates)
- Symmetric Keys (Shared Secrets)
Head on to our Key Management section to know more about how to download and manage these keys. To learn more about each key and their usage checkout the Key Descriptions section.